
  • I have eaten your bread several times with ZERO ill effects of gluten sensitivity. I normally can take a single bite of bread and the next day I am “feeling it”. I’ve gotten brave enough to have eaten a chocolate croissant, OC twist, AND an English muffin in one day and not have any effects from it! I’m so happy I get to eat delicious breads again!! Thank you!! I thought I’d honestly never get to enjoy amazing bread again!

    — Sherry

  • Me and my son both have gluten sensitivities! He is 7 and is on a strict gluten free diet because he is also on the autism spectrum. We have found that this is the best diet for him. I have tried different breads here and there and he and I have reacted to pretty much all of them. We tried Wild Cultures Sourdough Bakery’s classic loaf, einkorn loaf, and now the baguette and we are able to tolerate them VERY well! This is such a wonderful relief for us because it helps offset the burden of me having to homemake all of our bread products! We have this wonderful bakery with quality products to help supplement that for us! Thank you for creating sourdough products and working hard finding quality flour for your customers!

    — Tolly

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